Sunday, September 22, 2013

blogworld giveaway from linda lee

for some reason my blogworld giveaway gadget on the side bar isn't working.. so i'll post this instead. ms. linda lee of cross'n my stitches is having a non-stitchy giveaway and i'd like to spread the word... she does lovely stitching and has a colorful garden!  take a peek at her work..:-)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

an update!

hello, along the lines of "what was i thinking?", i present my latest progress on "Dreams".  everyone else in the SAL is on the homestretch and here am i, plodding on stage 1, lol.
the entire bottom is almost done, with my fabric looking a little the worse for wear:

okay, now what did i do? it says i inserted a jump break, whatever that is...